Thursday 22 February 2018

Each month seems to be flying by faster than the previous one! This month we have had Groundhog Day, Valentine's Day, Shrove Tuesday, Ash Wednesday, Calgary City Teachers' Convention, Family Day, 100 Day, Sister Madeleine, and Scientist in the School. Whew!
Along with that, we are learning about Penguins, building structures, Adding and Subtracting strategies and how to represent these using manipulatives, pictures and equations.
Earlier this month, your child came home with the log-in information for Zorbit Math. This is a great resource to reinforce Numeracy with your child.
A big thanks to our parent volunteers who were able to come out for our Scientist in the School today.
The students' final project was to construct a stool strong enough to support me. Yikes!
Enjoy the pictures below!